Important note: some social groups are using intouch mena name to engage in fraudulent WhatsApp groups, those activities are not in any way related to intouch and we advise reporting them to local entities.

Yes we guarantee

Promised Results

results, known as unpaid results. However, the digital environment also presents websites with the option to advertise for a cost, using online campaigns. Paid Advertisements lead to more sales but without an organic presence as well, they will not be a viable long-term investment. Here are our Media Planning & Buying Services:

  • Driving leads and sales and increasing your brand awareness as well as your users’ engagement by attaining a wider audience than the one on your channels
  • Setting search engines at the core of our digital strategies to ensure valuable leads and media interaction and have the highest chance of receiving organic visits
  • Placing and booming your brand advertisements on high-end websites through local and international portals in order to widen your exposure and give your brand more importance
  • Relying on programmatic advertising to segment audiences and choose the right target audience, instead of wasting your budget on uninterested people
  • Launching native campaigns that adapt to the ad space to meet the users’ expectations and gain high engagement levels
  • Promoting your brand through third-party publishers that will generate traffic and leads to your channels and website
  • Enhancing your brand credibility by allowing listeners to respond and interact with your voice advertisement and your brand
  • Involving your target audience even more with your ads by using advanced features that encourage them to interact with the content
  • Limiting your ads to a specific location target in order to reach audience in a certain area and improve your brand local performance
  • Sending promotional messages for marketing purposes, like reaching people on the go and around the globe and gaining potential clients
  • Targeting a certain list of recipients and sharing with them your brand or brand updates to drive direct sales, higher the brand awareness and create a sense of personal relationship with users

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