Important note: some social groups are using intouch mena name to engage in fraudulent WhatsApp groups, those activities are not in any way related to intouch and we advise reporting them to local entities.

An Outstanding Team

Our agency is worth nothing without the team holding it up and uniting it together.

We are like a 38-year-old tree. Our virtues, norms and morals form our roots to be so strong and empower the founders of intouch. Through integrity and credibility, our tree is able to withstand any obstacle, any strong wind and give the needed nutrients, love and support to all its different branches. Our main objective is to have a wide variety of branches, each growing at its own pace, in its own beautiful way. That’s why we don’t hire people to teach them what to do, instead, we hire them to teach us and guide us as experts in their field, and these people surprise us daily with their incredible ideas, practical solutions, wonderful personalities and most importantly, humane behaviors. They are creative, passionate, innovative, and dedicated. They are exceptional people reminding us to push forward and lead the way with these values in mind. Exceptional people for great projects and amazing clients.

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